Collect your favourite biscuit and cake recipes in a Pixum Photo Book!
Write your own baking book
Are you passionate about baking and decorating cakes, cupcakes and other sweet treats? In this article about making a very special Pixum Photo Book, you'll find inspiration on how to collect your favourite recipes - whether from other baking fans or even your own creations - in a great baking book.
Making a Photo Book to a Baking Book
Design a baking book for your own collection or as a gift

Of course, you can simply use your new photo book as a personal recipe collection, but you can also give it as an individual gift for Christmas or birthdays. It's a very much useful photo gift!
To make an amazing baking book you'll only need:- Recipes
- Photos of your baked delicacies
- Snaps of the process (optional, but so much fun)
How to easily create your own baking book

- Pick your favourite recipes and check whether you've already got the photos or need to take a few more
- Run the free Pixum Photo World software. Choose a suitable format (a portrait format seems to be a good idea) and select a cover and paper type.
- Design your baking book by getting creative with headlines, perhaps also little anecdotes, and a few of "making-of" selfies. Match the recipes to the photos of the served delicacies and make sure that the pictures on each page harmonize with each other.
- If your baking book is to be given as a gift, you can of course also add the occasion and a personal greeting for the recipient.
Alternatively to a completely printed book, there is also the possibility of inserting only the texts and, for example, gluing in the recipe photos together with your children. Or the other way round: maybe there is an old recipe collection that your parents or grandparents have left you in handwritten form? Scan these and use the images to make a baking book that will stand the test of time. Let your creativity run wild!
Fancy your own cookbook?

Create a Custom Cookbook
Turn your images into a unique recipe book. Design a cookbook with favourite recipes and bring individuality to every kitchen! Free cookbook template available.
Pixum - always beautiful pictures
Tips for choosing & taking photos for your baking book

- When photographing your culinary artworks, it's best to keep in mind, what book shape you've selected. This means that if you want to create a portrait format photo book, you also decorate your cake or biscuits so that you have enough room above and below the overall composition.
- Food photography looks good when you use a soft large light source - for example, a large window. However, the exposure times do not always make it right, which can result in blurred snaps. If necessary, use a tripod to take the photo.
- Sort out blurred images directly, even if these are not always immediately seen when looking at the mobile screen: Zoom into the 100% view to check whether all the details are crisp.
- When making your selection, think of the book page you'll use the picture later on. For example, you can select the perspective according to whether the image should be placed on the left or right side of a double sheet. This way you achieve a more harmonious effect.